Thursday, February 6, 2020

Miles- 1 year old!

Age 1 year!
Weight and Length  20 lbs 10 oz.
Clothing size  12-18 month 
Hair Dark blonde
Teeth Four with 2 more on the way any day, and 2 more close behind that!
Sleeping  Miles continues to take 2 naps a day- one between 9:30-10, and 1 around 1:30-2.  He usually naps for 1.5 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.  He sleeps overnight from 7:45-8ish, until 7:30-7:45 am. He still wakes once overnight to nurse between 3 and 6 am. Mommy really doesn't like the 3 am wake up call, and is hoping we can do some sleep training this week to get him to sleep all the way through! 
Eating  Miles continues to like solids. Recent favorites continue to be egg, strawberries, pizza and mac and cheese.  He is pretty willing to try things his parents are eating including feta, mahi mahi and mama lu's chicken which he loved! 
Movement  Miles is great at cruising and pulling to stand.  He is working hard to master the stairs and if you forget to close the gate, watch out, he will be 1/2 day up in no time!  He continues to do his funny crawl, and isn't standing alone or taking independent steps yet.  
Milestones  Lots of babbling! Drinking cold milk from a sippy cup. Planning first haircut this week! 
Favorite toys/activities Loves any toys that play music, the barn, learning walker, bike. 
Dislikes  Early morning wake ups.  Hoping this is outgrown soon. 
Words and sounds  Mama, gaga, baba, and many more. 
What we love   Miles is very easy going and just the sweetest baby brother- we love watching him interact with his siblings. 
What we don’t love Teeth, colds and night waking. 
What we are looking forward to next month Standing independently and some early first steps! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Miles-11 months old!

Age 11 months
Weight and Length   Closing in on 20 lbs if not there already.
Clothing size  Mostly 9-12, but some 12-18  months.  
Hair Dark blonde
Teeth Three! Still. But all 4 of his top teeth look like they are close to coming through!  
Sleeping  Miles had a bit of a crazy start to sleeping at 11 months. He was doing great for a week before we headed to MT- sleeping through most nights, from 8-5/6 am but then with the time change in Montana, he started waking up a lot! Now that we are back in MI, we are hoping we can get him back on track. Still napping twice a day (am nap closer to (9:30/10, pm nap at 1:30 or so).  He still heads to bed most nights around 7:45 pm and sleeps til 7:30 most days.  
Eating  Miles continues to like solids. Recent favorites include chicken pot pie, sweet potatoes and blueberries and strawberries (cut up).  Drinking milk from a bottle isn't his favorite thing- but still usually eats about 7-8 oz during my work day. 
Movement  Miles is now cruising well.  He is able to go from standing to sitting when holding onto furniture  He is still a fast crawler, but still prefers his crazy modified crab crawl with his left leg extended (stepping on his foot not his knee). Just after 11 months he started to try to climb stairs too! He is interested in taking steps when holding our hands! 
Milestones  Cruising, stairs, getting into everything! 2nd flight- traveled to Montana!  When he got back to MI he also rode down a bunny hill at hickory in Mom's arms while she skied! 
Favorite toys/activities Miles got Jackson's old farm, multiple puzzles, and squigs for Christmas and he loves them. He also got a Scout dog that says HIS name, and he loves it! 
Dislikes  Miles didn't have the easiest time with the time change. He is adjusting to being back home, and we are hoping for more sleep soon! 
Words and sounds  Miles continues to say Mama, now with possibly a bit more intention (both referencing mom and more)  He continues to do limited singing- He is good at signing "all done" and we are trying to teach him more! 
What we love   His sweet smile just melts us and everyone he meets.
What we don’t love Time changes reading havoc on our sleep! 
What we are looking forward to next month Hopefully improved safety on the stairs, a more traditional crawl, and some early steps!