Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jackson- 3 months old

Age 3 months
Weight & Length  Not sure, but he is definitely still growing
Clothing size  He has just transitioned to 3-6 months, but he can still wear a few of his favorite 0-3 month outfits. He is outgrowing his outfits in length first!
Hair It now is looking dark blonde, and it seems like there is more coming in by the day! 
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Since Mommy went back to work, Jackson’s sleep schedule has been a bit off- he is also not napping a lot in daycare, so he has needed an earlier bedtime. He has been going to bed around 6pm-11pm, waking up to eat, back to sleep and then up again around 2-3 am and 5-6 am.  There is supposed to be a 12-week growth spurt so we were hoping that was playing a role too. 
Eating  Jackson eats about every 2.5-3 hours during the day.  
Movement   Jackson  is starting to put up with tummy time more this month.  When he was 9.5 weeks old (on Thanksgiving), he rolled from front to back for the first time.  He continues to love his bouncer, and has enjoyed finding his hands this past month.
Milestones   Rolling over was the highlight of the last month.  His head control has been awesome too!  
Favorite toys/activities   Jackson loves putting his fist in his mouth.  He also continues to love his bouncer, and is getting more into the toy attachment that he can play with.  
Dislikes   Jackson doesn’t like to be tired….or hungry, otherwise he is a very happy baby!
Words & sounds   He continues to love to mimic our high pitched cooing.   
What we love  Jackson has the best smile.  We love to see how happy he is.  We also love that
What we don’t love  Mommy isn’t a fan of the frequent awakening at night.  We are hoping he gets back into a stretch where he wakes me up less at night.   
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t to hear that first giggle!

In loving memory

My dear sweet grandmother went to heaven to be with my Grandfather last week.  We miss hear dearly  already, but are so glad that she was able to meet Jackson before she passed.  These are some cute pics from when she met him when he was 2 weeks old in the end of September.  She also got to see him a few times over Thanksgiving too, and we are so Thankful Jackson got to meet his great grandma who adored him so much! 

Four generations- Maas Family

Grandma, I will miss our biweekly chats, and miss telling you that I updated this blog.  You were my most faithful and regular blog reader :) I love you Grandma Muzzy! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Jackson- Photo highlights: Months 1-2

The happiest little giraffe

Loves bath time

Out for lots of walks!

I love my bouncer! 

New owl mobile is a hit!

Meeting his new friend Quinn and her puppy Sophie

Future skier in Daddy's hat

Not sure about tummy time

2 month well child check- before the shots!

First halloween

Daddy's 32nd Birthday

Jackson was able to go with mommy to vote- and survived a 2 1/2 hour line, just barely!

Can't wait for what the next month will bring! 

Jackson- 2 months old

Age 2 months
Weight & Length Jackson weighed 12 lbs 14 oz (56%) and was 25 inches (98%) long!  Long and lean- but still with some super cute rolls!
Clothing size 0-3 months, though he is starting to almost outgrow this size in length in a few brands!
Hair Jackson’s hair has been growing back this month, and his cute-as-can-be cowlick is back.  His hair seems to be lighter now, maybe even blonde- who knows what it will end up like!  I think we will have to wait a few more months to know for sure.
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Jackson is sleeping much better and for much longer stretches.  From 1-2 months, he was sleeping 4-7 hours at night.  Around the time he turned 2 months, he started sleeping 7-8 hours per night, which is amazing, and he is such a happy, well-rested boy in the mornings. He typically goes to bed now between 7-8 pm, gets up around 3-4 am to eat, and then back to sleep until 6:30-7:30.  We hope this continues, and are working to find the best bedtime for Jackson given that mommy has to go back to work in week! L
Eating  Jackson continues to love to eat, and usually eats every 2.5-3 hours during the day. 
Movement   Jackson loves to kick his legs, and move his arms, and show us how strong he is, especially when in his bouncer.  Today, his pediatrician said he was “stronger than the average 2 month old.”  He also loves to lay on his activity mat and bats at the dangling toys.  He also likes to look in the mirror, especially during bath time. 
Milestones   Jackson continues to love to smile. He has also been cooing a lot which is adorable.  We can’t wait for the first laugh! He hasn’t rolled over yet, but I am guessing he might learn to do that pretty soon! 
Favorite toys/activities   Jackson loves his activity mat and bouncer.   After eating he usually likes to play on the mat and he has been batting at toys and cooing at them when he plays. He loves it when mom sings songs to him when he is in his bouncer, especially pat-a-cake and itsy bitsy spider.  He enjoys going on walks, and has also really enjoyed infant massage class with mommy as well as post-natal yoga with mommy.
Dislikes   Jackson doesn’t like getting shots, we found that out at his 2 month visit (poor buddy).  Other than that, he is a pretty happy baby.
Words & sounds   He makes lots of adorable sounds, and recently he has gotten really excited about imitating sounds mommy makes.  It is adorable.  He even tries to change the pitch to his cooing to match the sounds we make. 
What we love   Cuddling with Jackson and quiet time when we rock him to sleep.  We love his smiles watching his personality emerge.  We love how excited he gets when we sing to him, and how sweet and cuddly he is with us.
What we don’t love  What’s not to love- we adore this little guy! I guess if we could get rid of the 3:30 am feeding that would be great, but I have to admit, even though our sleep is interrupted, is is always worth it to cuddle with him and watch him as he falls asleep again- so precious.  
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t wait for first laughs, and to see him roll over!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Jackson - 1 month old

Age 1 month
Weight & Length Jackson weighed 8 lbs 7 oz (55%) at his 2 week check up.  We haven’t officially weighed him since but on our scales at home he seems to weigh around 10-10.5 lbs at 1 month.  His length was 21.8 inches (92%) at 2 weeks.
Clothing size 0-3 months, though some of these are still pretty big on him, he has definitely outgrown his newborn outfits!
Hair Jackson’s hair is light brown and he was born with the most adorable cowlick, just like his daddy! We were sad to see him lose the cowlick around 3-4 weeks, and he now has a moderate amount of light brown hair on the back of his head and on the sides.
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Jackson usually sleeps for one 4-5 hours stretch at night between 11-5 am which affords his mommy a little sleep!  During the day he naps often but the duration is unpredictable. 
Eating  Jackson loves to eat, and usually is on an every 2-2.5 hour schedule during the day. 
Movement   Jackson loves to kick his legs and show us how strong he is, especially when in his bouncer.  He also loves to lay on his activity mat and listen to the sounds the dangling toys make. He can also track objects pretty well.
Milestones   Jackson started smiling around 4 weeks.   It is the most precious thing, and we can’t wait to see more of his smiles!
Favorite toys/activities   Jackson loves to eat. He also loves his activity mat and bouncer.   After eating he usually likes to play on the mat and he gets excited when he hears noises from the toys dangling above him. He especially enjoys a new black and white hanging mobile!
Dislikes   Jackson HATES wet diapers.  He is sure to let us know when he is wet, even if it is just a little wet and he was just changed, he is so much happier in a dry diaper.  He loves to interact with Mommy and Daddy when he is on the changing table.
Words & sounds   He makes lots of adorable sounds. Nothing is consistent at this point.
What we love   Cuddling with Jackson and quiet time when we rock him to sleep.  We love his smiles and seeing him become more alert and interactive during the day.
What we don’t love   Evening fussiness is starting to improve. We are looking forward to getting past 6 weeks when fussiness usually is at it’s peak.  We are also learning more of Jackson’s cues, and trying to combat fussiness with naps and an earlier bedtime, as we think he may just be overtired from wanting to socialize with us so much. 
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t wait for more cooing and smiling, as he becomes more expressive and interactive!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Jackson Lucas- Highlights from his 1st Week

Skin to skin with mommy after delivery

Meeting.... Grandma Nichols

Grandpa Howe

Grandpa Nichols and Aunt Christine

Aunt Christine

Our new family of three!

Grandma Howe and daddy


Cuddling with Daddy

Cheers to Jackson Lucas-- Happy Birthday!!

Snuggling with Gramma

First bath at home

At the pediatrician's office...

First Walk around the cul-de-sac