Monday, October 22, 2012

Jackson - 1 month old

Age 1 month
Weight & Length Jackson weighed 8 lbs 7 oz (55%) at his 2 week check up.  We haven’t officially weighed him since but on our scales at home he seems to weigh around 10-10.5 lbs at 1 month.  His length was 21.8 inches (92%) at 2 weeks.
Clothing size 0-3 months, though some of these are still pretty big on him, he has definitely outgrown his newborn outfits!
Hair Jackson’s hair is light brown and he was born with the most adorable cowlick, just like his daddy! We were sad to see him lose the cowlick around 3-4 weeks, and he now has a moderate amount of light brown hair on the back of his head and on the sides.
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Jackson usually sleeps for one 4-5 hours stretch at night between 11-5 am which affords his mommy a little sleep!  During the day he naps often but the duration is unpredictable. 
Eating  Jackson loves to eat, and usually is on an every 2-2.5 hour schedule during the day. 
Movement   Jackson loves to kick his legs and show us how strong he is, especially when in his bouncer.  He also loves to lay on his activity mat and listen to the sounds the dangling toys make. He can also track objects pretty well.
Milestones   Jackson started smiling around 4 weeks.   It is the most precious thing, and we can’t wait to see more of his smiles!
Favorite toys/activities   Jackson loves to eat. He also loves his activity mat and bouncer.   After eating he usually likes to play on the mat and he gets excited when he hears noises from the toys dangling above him. He especially enjoys a new black and white hanging mobile!
Dislikes   Jackson HATES wet diapers.  He is sure to let us know when he is wet, even if it is just a little wet and he was just changed, he is so much happier in a dry diaper.  He loves to interact with Mommy and Daddy when he is on the changing table.
Words & sounds   He makes lots of adorable sounds. Nothing is consistent at this point.
What we love   Cuddling with Jackson and quiet time when we rock him to sleep.  We love his smiles and seeing him become more alert and interactive during the day.
What we don’t love   Evening fussiness is starting to improve. We are looking forward to getting past 6 weeks when fussiness usually is at it’s peak.  We are also learning more of Jackson’s cues, and trying to combat fussiness with naps and an earlier bedtime, as we think he may just be overtired from wanting to socialize with us so much. 
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t wait for more cooing and smiling, as he becomes more expressive and interactive!