Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jackson- 3 months old

Age 3 months
Weight & Length  Not sure, but he is definitely still growing
Clothing size  He has just transitioned to 3-6 months, but he can still wear a few of his favorite 0-3 month outfits. He is outgrowing his outfits in length first!
Hair It now is looking dark blonde, and it seems like there is more coming in by the day! 
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Since Mommy went back to work, Jackson’s sleep schedule has been a bit off- he is also not napping a lot in daycare, so he has needed an earlier bedtime. He has been going to bed around 6pm-11pm, waking up to eat, back to sleep and then up again around 2-3 am and 5-6 am.  There is supposed to be a 12-week growth spurt so we were hoping that was playing a role too. 
Eating  Jackson eats about every 2.5-3 hours during the day.  
Movement   Jackson  is starting to put up with tummy time more this month.  When he was 9.5 weeks old (on Thanksgiving), he rolled from front to back for the first time.  He continues to love his bouncer, and has enjoyed finding his hands this past month.
Milestones   Rolling over was the highlight of the last month.  His head control has been awesome too!  
Favorite toys/activities   Jackson loves putting his fist in his mouth.  He also continues to love his bouncer, and is getting more into the toy attachment that he can play with.  
Dislikes   Jackson doesn’t like to be tired….or hungry, otherwise he is a very happy baby!
Words & sounds   He continues to love to mimic our high pitched cooing.   
What we love  Jackson has the best smile.  We love to see how happy he is.  We also love that
What we don’t love  Mommy isn’t a fan of the frequent awakening at night.  We are hoping he gets back into a stretch where he wakes me up less at night.   
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t to hear that first giggle!

In loving memory

My dear sweet grandmother went to heaven to be with my Grandfather last week.  We miss hear dearly  already, but are so glad that she was able to meet Jackson before she passed.  These are some cute pics from when she met him when he was 2 weeks old in the end of September.  She also got to see him a few times over Thanksgiving too, and we are so Thankful Jackson got to meet his great grandma who adored him so much! 

Four generations- Maas Family

Grandma, I will miss our biweekly chats, and miss telling you that I updated this blog.  You were my most faithful and regular blog reader :) I love you Grandma Muzzy!