Saturday, January 26, 2013


Riding in his new sled :) 

Snow Angels!

Second time around was not so happy to make a snow angel! 

Pink cheeks but we had a lot of fun! 

Brunch Playdate with TC friends

While in TC for the weekend we had such a great time having brunch with my girlfriends, their hubbies and our adorable kiddos! 

Jackson (4 mo), Blaise (6 mo), and Chase (5 mo)

Jackson, Blaise, Chase, Ellie, Quinn, Gretty, and Isabelle

Lindsay (Gretty is napping), Mollie, Chase and Ellie, Macare, Blaise and Quinn, Laura and Jackson, and Katie and Isabelle

By the end of the day the kiddos were exhausted but we all had such a great time catching up! I feel so lucky and blessed to have such dear girlfriends from growing up and that we are all so close still! 

Jackson- 4 months old

Age 4 months
Weight & Length  15 lbs 3 oz (43%), 26.4 inches (90%)
Clothing size  3-6 months
Hair Jackson’s hair seems to be getting blonder by the day! His cowlick is growing the most hair of anyplace on his cute little head!  
Teeth Zero, but drooling and chewing a lot so we wonder if the teeth may be coming in soon. 
Sleeping  Most nights he will go to sleep at 6:30 pm or so, and either wake up (or sometimes I wake him) between 10-11:30 to eat, and then he will often sleep through the rest of night. Sometimes he wakes often between 3-6 (usually if he spits his pacifier out) but will generally go back to sleep with a little soothing and doesn’t need to eat.  
Eating  Jackson continues to eat about every 2.5-3 hours during the day.   He is now taking 4.5 oz bottles at daycare. 
Movement  He continues to love to kick like crazy.  He can still roll over front to back, but doesn’t do this every time he does tummy time.  He doesn’t love tummy time, but will tolerate it for a while each day. He did roll over back to front once, but it was in Daddy and Mommy’s bed, and the soft mattress may have helped.  He especially loves to splash with his arms and legs in the bathtub.
Milestones  He loves to grab his feet and spends much of his day doing this! He has not yet figured out how to get his toes into his mouth though.  He also loves to hold on to things. He has started to shake toys around and grab things with both hands.  He also is very interested in “baby paper” (crinkles when he grabs it) and soft books.  He has developed great head control and loves sitting up (with support).
Favorite toys/activities  He has started to enjoy the jumper we have at home and also the activity centers he plays in at school.  He also likes to be able to sit up in the bumbo seat.  He continues to love his Bjorn bouncer and the toy attachment can keep him busy for quite a while- he is so focused when he plays with it and spins the pieces.     
Dislikes   Jackson doesn’t like to be tired….or hungry.  They tell me the only time he cries at daycare is when he decides he is hungry and a bottle isn’t already warmed up- he doesn’t like to have to wait to eat! Otherwise he is a very happy baby! We are working on taking more naps and better naps at daycare. Because this is sometimes hard to do, he has to have an early bedtime which leaves us little time (if any) to play with him/see him on nights when we have to work late or are on call.  This has been the biggest bummer of going back to work and working long days. It makes me very anxious to be done with my fellowship (August 23rd) so I can have more time at home with him!
Words & sounds   He loves to squeal and make lots of loud happy sounds.  He does giggle a little and we can’t wait to hear more of this! The teachers at his daycare say he loves to “sing” on buggy rides with the other kids.
What we love  Spending quality time with our little sweetie.  He is such a happy guy and we just constantly are in awe of how perfect we think he is and what a sweet little guy we created. Amazing that just over a year ago, we were finding out we were expecting him!
What we don’t love  Not getting to spend much time with Jackson while he is awake during the week (especially Mommy).  Thankfully Daddy has a better schedule right now which allows him to pick him up at daycare by 4:30-5:30 most days so they have some time to hang out and his days at daycare aren’t as long.
What we’re looking forward to next month  Rolling over back to front and more giggles! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jackson- Photo highlights months 2-4

First Day of Daycare, aka "school"

Loving looking at the lights

3 months old

Celebrating grandma Muzzy

The great grandparents visit from Canada!

And grandparents..

Christmas Morning

MSU board book

Out to breakfast

Loves touching his toes