Age 10
Weight & Length
Clothing size 6-12
Hair Blonde, and getting longer by the
Teeth Seven,
but we see at least 1 more about to come in on the bottom.
Sleeping Jackson
sleeps from 7:00-8:00 pm until around 6:00-6:45 am. He is waking up more lately, often twice a night. He naps
twice a day.
Eating Jackson
is a great eater! He continues to nurse when I am home with him and takes 5 oz
bottles every 3-4 hours when at school.
He also started eating solids with the big boys at school. He eats at 8:30, 11:30 and 3:30. He usually tries some finger foods and
mainly eats oatmeal, as well as lots of fruit and vegetable purees. He does not like any meat purees, and
we aren’t holding our breath for that to change in the future. He loves yogurt,
crackers, baby mum mums and Lil’ Crunchies. He will occasionally eat puffs and cheerios.
Movement Jackson started crawling 4
days before he turned 10 months old.
He likes to crawl both the traditional way, and with one leg up off the
ground, and he his getting faster by the day. We are so proud!!
Milestones Jackson loves to follow
commands such as throwing the ball, clapping, and crawling over when we ask him
to come to us. He is also starting to give/share toys when asked.
Favorite toys/activities He loves to play catch. He is very good at throwing, with both hands, so we wonder
if he may be ambidextrous like his daddy. He loves looking at books. He also is really enjoying swim class.
Dislikes When
Jackson wakes up at night, he sometimes has a hard time falling back to
sleep. He likes to sit up in his
crib but hasn’t totally figured out how to easily get back down to a sleeping position. It isn’t very much fun for Jackson or
for us, and we are hoping he starts sleeping better again soon!
Words & sounds He
continues to babble a lot, and sings songs with his sounds. We are pretty sure he might be saying
“Ba” for ball, but it is a bit hard to tell. He often says “MaMa” when around
his Mama, but it isn’t happening every time.
What we love Watching Jackson find his newfound independence with
crawling. He is so interested in
spending time with us and is constantly watching those around him and learning
new things by the minute.
What we don’t love Sleeping issues, but otherwise he is a perfect
What we’re looking forward to next month Independent standing, more “talking”, and more movement.