Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kate- 1 month old

 Age 1 month

Weight & Length Kate weighed 8 lbs 15.9 oz (67%) at her 2.5 week check up. Her length was 21 inches (77%) at 2.5 weeks.  We haven’t weighed her yet at home, but can tell she is growing each day!
Clothing size  She is starting to use 0-3 months, but can still fit into some newborn outfits.  It is already so much fun dressing her up in girly clothes!
Hair Kate has adorable dark brown hair that is so soft and is shorter in the front and the back is a bit longer and sticks out (especially after baths). We are all placing bets on if she will lose the dark hair and ultimately be a toe head like her brother.
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Kate usually sleeps for 2 3.5-4 hour stretches at night but has recently had one miraculous 7 hour stretch. However we think we just got lucky.  She takes some catnaps during the day but usually has 2 unpredictable good 1-2 hour naps.  She usually gets up around 5-6 am but usually will go back to bed until about 8 am.  Daddy usually plays with Jackson when he is home when Jackson wakes at around 7 am so Mommy and Kate can sleep!
Eating  Kate is doing well with eating and growing like a weed.  She had almost regained her birth weight at 8 days of age (8 lbs 3 oz) and was almost 9 lbs at 2.5 weeks.  She likes to eat every 1-3 hours during the day. She especially likes to cluster feed in the evenings. We think this does help her sleep a bit longer at night.  
Movement   Kate is starting to like her activity mat and bouncer but doesn’t like to do either for long periods of time yet.  She definitely can recognize mommy and daddy’s face.   Kate is doing a good job tracking objects and has impressive head control when lifting her head up during tummy time.
Milestones  We can tell we are on the verge of her first smile….we can’t wait to see it.
Favorite toys/activities   Kate is intrigued by black and white objects like her mobile, and dangling toys (especially the ones that make sounds) on her play mat.
Dislikes  Kate has some intermittent fussiness in the evenings, but nothing consistent.  We are mostly able to soothe her with eating, napping or occasional swaddling so far…all in all she is a pretty happy baby.
Words & sounds  So far she mostly is mostly content- but she will let you know when she needs something- a diaper change, to be fed, or to be cuddled by letting out a big cry.  She has not started much cooing yet.
What we love  Her sweet sleepy smiles and cuddling with her.  She has recently taken to falling asleep on our chests, which we both love. We also love it when Jackson kisses her on the head and wants to teach her things- it will be so fun to watch there relationship grow.
What we don’t love  Waking up at night and wanting to party is a bit rough on mommy and daddy, especially when big brother Jackson likes to party early in the morning too.  Fortunately, we know this will get better with time.
What we’re looking forward to next month   Smiling, cooing and watching Kate interact with big brother Jackson!  So far her eyes look dark blue like her brothers did at this age- we are excited to see what color they become over the next few months.

We love you Kate and are so excited you are here! 

Katherine Sophia Howe

Katherine Sophia Howe was born 11/27/14- Thanksgiving!

She was born at 11:30 am, and weighed in at 8 lbs 4 oz and was 21 inches long. 

Welcomed with love by Mike, Laura and big brother Jackson

Monday, December 29, 2014

Catching up on 2014

Wow- it has been a busy year.  Watching Jackson grow has been so much fun, and we were so busy with him I forgot to blog- for a whole year.  One of the major highlights of 2014 include finding out we were expecting a baby girl (details to follow).  After she was born, it prompted me to start blogging again!

Other highlights of 2014 included my appointment to associate program director of the U of Michigan Allergy/Immunology Fellowship, a wonderful ski trip to Big Sky, MT and a week in Kiawah Island, SC. Both trips were with both sets of grandparents- we were so lucky!!  We had a great time in TC this summer and interviewed for jobs while we were up there.  Mike accepted a position at Traverse Heart and Vascular, and will be starting August 1, 2015, and we will be moving up to TC at the end of June.  I am still interviewing.  We can't wait, but leaving Ann Arbor, our friends here and our jobs will be bittersweet. I think Mike is ready to be done with his medical training and take his next step, but he has had a wonderful experience with his cardiology training at Michigan these last 4 years. Mike and I took an anniversary trip to NYC in August (6th Anniversary!) and it was very memorable. We saw the Phantom of the Opera and had a wonderful meal at Gramercy Tavern, and also enjoyed walking around Central Park and having lunch at the Boat House.   Jackson's 2nd birthday had a construction truck theme- and he was in truck heaven!  He received many wonderful gifts but really loves his wishbone trike that will turn into a balance bike this spring.  We have new neighbors who moved in this summer and Jackson loves playing with their children, Daniel (5), Avery (3) and Quinn (1).  He loves having kids his age nearby to play with and spends tons of time with them in the cul-de-sac.  We will really miss this house and neighborhood when we move. It has been a wonderful home for the last 5 years!