Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kate- 3 months old

Age 3 months
Weight & Length Kate now weighs 13.2 lbs and seems tall too!
Clothing size 3-6 months, she already fills them out in length!
Hair  Her light brown hair is a little lighter day by day, but still not blonde like her brother
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Kate is a great sleeper. She continues to sleep in her crib for 7-8 hours a night.  She used to nap in the swing before going up to bed around 9-10 but she is starting to show us she needs an earlier bedtime.  She continues to dream feed around 10 pm, which lets Mommy get a 7-hour stretch of sleep or so.  She takes good naps in her crib, still in her swaddle/sleep sack, mostly lasting 1 hour or so, with an occasional longer nap.  She still needs to nap after 1-2 hours of awake time (most often after 1 hour), and hasn’t showed signs of transitioning to only 3 naps/day yet.
Eating  Kate continues to nurse every 2 hours or so during the daytime.  She is a bit more distracted when eating as she has started to become more social, so sometimes she will snack every 1-2 hours.  As long as she sleeps through the night we are ok with that!    
Movement   Kate rolled over from front to back at 2 months and 3 days of age (1/30/15)!  She out-did her brother who rolled at 2.5 months!   Kate has great neck strength.  She is really good at holding her head up and seems to like tummy time.  She has sat in the bumbo a few times and looks like such a big girl!!  She is doing a great job grasping rattles, and toys, and baby paper/taggy blankets. 
Milestones  Seeing her roll over was so fun.   She is interacting and smiling at Jackson now too, which is fun to watch.  She is doing great with her nanny Bonnie who takes care of her all day Monday and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons when mommy has to work.
Favorite toys/activities     Kate loves to bat at toys on the activity mat, especially the bird with the wooden ring to grab on to, and the bird rattle.  She likes baby paper, and has started to play with the winkel rattle and Sophie the giraffe.  She loves playing with taggy blankets and has grabbed on to a few stuffed animals and lovies.  She also likes the o-ball rattles.  She is happiest being cuddled and in someone’s arms.
Dislikes   Kate doesn’t like to be overtired or hungry. Other than that she is all smiles!  
Words & sounds   Kate continues to coo and talk to us in her sweet little way.   
What we love   Watching her sweet little personality shine through
What we don’t love  Kate is doing great, no complaints!
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t wait to see her get more active and plan to try the bouncer soon!   

We love you Kate!