Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kate- 6 months old!

Age 6 months
Weight & Length Kate weighs 15 lbs 12.6 oz (43%) and 26.4 inches (70%).   Her head circumference is at the 61%.
Clothing size She is definitely moving into 6-12 month clothes. She can still fit into several of her 3-6 month outfits as well.  
Hair  Her hair continues to lighten up and grow, but not long enough for any hair ties yet!
Teeth Zero! We feel like she could get one any day but still no sign of a tooth yet! Lots of chewing though! 
Sleeping  Kate continues to sleep from 7:30 pm to 7:00 am most nights. She usually wakes to eat (or dream feeds) at 10:30 or 11, and then again eats between 3-5, but occasionally gets up one more time before 7 am. Hoping she starts to sleep longer stretches again soon!
Eating  Kate continues to nurse every 2.5 hours during the day.  She ate her first food- oatmeal cereal, the day before she turned 6 months. She is not really sure what she thinks. She also followed that up with sweet potatoes and bananas. So far she likes bananas the best!
Movement   Kate is very interested in moving all over. She rolls back and forth like crazy. She also loves to jump in her jumper and she can really get going.  
Milestones  Kate is starting to sit up, and can do so with her hand forward propping herself up, or for a few seconds unsupported. She is getting better at it every day! 
Favorite toys/activities     She loves anything she can chew on. She is also very excited to play with a new spinning toy that she can attach to her high chair. It gives her something to keep her interested and allows her to join us at the table and still be able to play.  She loves anything that crinkles.  She also has gone on some runs with Mommy, Daddy and Jackson in both the BOB and the Chariot while Mom and Dad prepared for their half marathon!
Dislikes   Kate still loves to eat over night. Interestingly she wakes up a lot more now than she did when she was younger. Hoping this slows down soon!
Words & sounds   Kate continues to be very chatty.   No specific sounds yet but she always talks back to you when you talk to her.  She loves to giggle as well.  She has the cutest laugh!
What we love   Kate continues to be so happy.  Many of our friends and family ask, is she always this happy? The answer is YES! We are very lucky!  She also is so sweet when we put her to bed or down for naps, and just snuggles up and cuddles with us.  It is a very special time with her.
What we don’t love Hoping she will start to sleep longer stretches at night, but at least when she wakes up she goes back to sleep quickly.
What we’re looking forward to next month   Working on sitting up, pulling up and continuing to explore the world around her! We are also looking forward to hearing more sounds!