Friday, August 28, 2015

Kate- 9 months old!

Age 9 months
Weight & Length Kate weighs 17.8 lbs (43%), and is 27.5 inches tall (43%)
Clothing size 6-12 month clothes.
Hair  Dark blonde
Teeth Two! Miss Kate got her first two teeth in succession at about 8.5 months
Sleeping  Kate goes to be most nights around 8 pm and sleeps until about 7:00.  She now is only waking once to eat (usually around 3-5 am).  Kate  takes 2 naps per day- one around 9 am and another around 1:00 pm. 
Eating  Kate is drinking breast milk every 3-4 hours during the day.  She has been a bit of a stinker with nursing- as she has been biting her mommy recently.  We are sure it is related to her teething and are all hoping that stops soon! Thankfully Mommy has a large stash of frozen breast milk (250 bags) and a pump—hoping this is just a phase!  Kate really enjoys feeding herself anything- she is very good at doing that with finger foods and wants to start helping with spoon feeding too. She tried her first peanut snack (Bamba) just before 9 months.   
Movement   Big month for Kate- she started crawling at 8.5 months! 
Milestones  Eating peanut!! Hooray! Crawling! Hooray!!
Favorite toys/activities     Kate really likes the learning walker, anything with lights and sounds, and any toy she can sink her new teeth into! 
Dislikes   Night waking and teething/biting!  We are all hoping to sleep through the night again soon!  
Words & sounds   Kate loves to babble and continues to say ma ma, ba ba, ga ga, da da, and many other sounds. She also loves to belly laugh- especially when mommy reads her Blue hat, green hat (any says “Oops!”)
What we love   Kate is really a joy- she is such a sweet, happy girl. She is starting to interact more with Jackson which is so adorable. We love it when they giggle together. 
What we don’t love  Night waking. Hoping this ends soon, either on her terms or with some sleep training.
What we’re looking forward to next month   Cruising! More words and sounds.