Age 2 years old
Weight & Length Kate weighs 23 lbs 13 oz (31%) and is 34 inches tall (50%)
Clothing size 18-24 month and some 2T
Hair Blonde
Teeth 16
Sleeping Kate is a great sleeper- is a night owl though! She likes to go to bed at 9ish even though we start the process before 8. Loves to read books before bed.
Eating Kate is taking after her big brother and is a picky eater. She is a very independent eater as well! She eats school lunch but some days she loves it and others she won't touch it.
Movement Kate is running and jumping with 2 feet. She is practicing standing on one food! She can climb on anything.
Milestones Her speech has been the most impressive this last six months. She also crawled out of her crib at 21 months so has been in a converted toddler bed since then! Big girl!
Favorite toys/activities Hands down she loves her baby doll most! She loves feeding her and sleeps with her every night. She also loves her new play kitchen
Dislikes Toddler temper tantrums and bedtime delay techniques- she is a master of this!
Language Kate's speech is exploding! She loves to chat with us and speaks very clearly. She often uses 4-5 word sentences or more!
What we love Watching our baby become a little girl!
What we don’t love Our abby is growing up too fast!
What we’re looking forward to next...everything!