Age 1 month
Weight & Length Miles weighed 10 lbs 3 oz (54%) at his one month check up. His length was 22.5 inches (90%) at 1 month too.
Clothing size He has just grown out of newborn and is starting to use 0-3 month clothes. We have even put him in a few of Jackson's old outfits.
Hair Miles has dark hair just like Kate! We are all placing bets on if he will lose the dark hair and ultimately be a toe head like his siblings.
Teeth Zero
Sleeping Miles usually sleeps for 3 hour stretches at night- if I am lucky I might get one 4 or 4.5 hour stretch every few days. He takes mostly catnaps during the day but usually has 2 unpredictable good 1 hour naps. He usually gets up around 7:30 am but usually will go back to bed by 8:30 am, right when the big kids head off to school.
Eating Miles is doing well with eating! He is was a big time cluster feeder until about 1 month but that finally has slowed down some. He eats every 2-2.5 hours during the day and every 3 hours or so overnight.
Movement Miles is starting to like his activity mat and will look at a mobile for 10 minutes or so until he has had enough. He tolerates the bouncer but hasn't figured out how to hit the toys yet. He likes the Rock and Play best of all and is happy sitting in the kitchen listening to his big siblings chat. He has started to smile but not always in response to others. He focuses intensely on mommy and daddy's face. He also has spent some quality time with Grandma Nichols and can recognize her too. He is starting to tracking objects. He does not like tummy time at all yet!
Milestones First smiles are so cute- can't wait to see even more of them!
Favorite toys/activities Miles is intrigued by black and white objects- he likes the mobile on his play mat the best of all. He also likes the bird sound. He hasn't started grabbing onto any toys yet.
Dislikes Mommy would love a little longer sleep stretches, but we have been putting Miles to sleep only on flat spaces, so I think this might play a role (We opted not to use the rock and play overnight).
Words & sounds Miles is very vocal. He is happy to tell you anytime he is hungry, wet, tired, or has lost his paci!
What we love Watching Miles interact with his siblings is just the best- they love him so and we feel so blessed to watch the three of them together. He is generally sweet, cuddly and a loving little boy!
What we don’t love Waking up at night but he is great at going back to bed quickly after he eats- Yay Miles.
What we’re looking forward to next month Smiling, cooing and watching him start to enjoy the world around him even more. So far Miles has dark blue eyes that look a lot like Mommy and Kates. We are anxious to see if they lighten up or stay dark blue!