Sunday, May 5, 2019

Miles- 3 months old

Age 3 months
Weight & Length Miles was 12 lbs 14 oz (36%) a week before he turned 3 months.  He was tall too! He is now 24.5 inches (80%)!
Clothing size 3-6 months, he already fills them out in length! 
Hair  His light brown hair is a little lighter, very much like his big sister Kate's was! 
Teeth Zero
Sleeping  Miles is a good sleeper. He continues to sleep in his crib from about 7:30-10:30 then I wake him for a dream feed and he will sleep 5-6 hours straight (in our room in the pack and play til around 5 am. He then sleeps a few more hours til 6:30-7:30 am.   He is great at taking naps in his crib (he has been a rockstar at sleeping flat from day one!).  He usually takes 30-60 minute naps, but the past few weeks has taken one 2 hour nap a day.  He sleeps in a hands up swaddle for naps- and halo velcro swaddle sleep sack overnight.   He still needs to nap after 1-2 hours of awake time (most often after 1 hour), and hasn’t showed signs of transitioning to only 3 naps/day yet. 
Eating  Miles continues to nurse every 2-2.5 hours or so during the daytime.  He is a very efficient eater, and also sometimes she will snack every 1-2 hours when I'm home.  Last month we realized Miles had  a tongue tie- which might have affected his latch/nursing and caused gassiness/discomfort so we traveled to GR to see Dr. Heaford, a peds ENT who agreed his tongue tie should be clipped. He did great with it and just needed a little tylenol for the next 24 hours and was back to normal.  Mommy just went back to work so the nanny is working with Miles on bottles. He is doing ok- but eats small amounts often which makes it hard for caregivers to predict.  He likes his fast flow Mam bottle but we keep trying to get him to use a Como Tomo or medela with slower flow! 
Movement   Miles still has not rolled over.  Both his siblings rolled over around 2 months!   According to Jackson, Miles has "great head control."  He likes tummy time not he poppy pillow but doesn't love it on a flat surface yet.  He likes to play with things that crinkle like baby paper, and a new taggy blanket he got for Easter. He still loves to lay on the play mat and kick and move like crazy. 
Milestones  Miles is so very smiley, and I think we are close to getting a laugh.  He is getting along well with his nanny Lora who watches him Monday, Wednesday and friday morning when Mommy is at work.  
Favorite toys/activities     Miles loves to bat at toys on the activity mat,  and really loves to focus on the black and white mobile.  He is starting to notice other toys too but doesn't grab things much.  He loves to put a crinkle taggy blanket in his mouth.  His favorite position is sitting up and he would love to be carried around and included on whatever we are doing.  He is a social little guy and protests if he is left alone! 
Dislikes   Miles is really unhappy when he is tired or hungry- just like his siblings! Other than that he is all smiles!  
Words & sounds   Miles loves to chat with us and Jackson and Kate love to get down on his level and watch him mimic their sounds.  
What we love  Learning who this little man is going to be....his personality already is so fun! He is definitely a fan of cuddling with mommy before bed (loves to lay on my chest)- one of my favorite times of day. 
What we don’t love  Fussiness around bedtime- hoping that ends soon!  Mommy can handle it with cluster feeding but it makes it harder for other caregivers to put him to bed if needed. 
What we’re looking forward to next month   We are hoping Miles will continue to get more active, and will be watching to see him roll over!