Age 4 months
Weight & Length 14 lbs 3 oz (22%), 25.25 inches (55%)
Clothing size 3-6 months
Hair Light brown just like big sister but getting lighter by the day- pretty sure he will be blonde too!
Teeth Zero, but drooling and chewing a lot so we wonder if teeth may be coming in soon. His big brother got one when he was 4 months so it is possible :)
Sleeping Most nights he will go to sleep at 7:30 pm or so, and either wake up (or sometimes I wake him) between 10-11:30 to eat. A little before 4 months he moved his next wake up from 5-6 am to 3 am or so. Now he usually gets up by 7 but sometimes as early as 6 am. Lately he has been spitting out the paci causing more frequent wakings but he has had a cold.
Eating Miles continues to eat about every 2.5 hours during the day. He is taking 3.5 oz bottles at home when mommy works from his nanny Lora.
Movement Miles loves to be active. He is very happy to play on his activity mat and can grab toys now. He still doesn't love the bouncer but loves the rainforest jumper and is content there for a long time. He tolerates tummy time better and last month rolled front to back. He has great head control and likes to look at everything going on around him.
Milestones Miles loves to sit up whenever he can. His head control has gotten very good this last month. He loves to be carried facing outward. Last month he rolled over front to back. He stared sleeping most of the night in his own room this month! If he is waking up more frequently sometimes he comes back to our room but at 4 months we mostly transitioned him to his own room.
Favorite toys/activities He really likes the jumper and loves to listen to the music it plays. He loves grabbing toys on the play mat and batting at them. He still isn't a huge fan of the bouncer for more than 5-10 minutes.
Dislikes Like his older brother, Miles doesn’t like to be tired….or hungry. The same thing is noted by his nanny, Lora. He takes great naps once he is asleep but sometimes protests a bit.
Words & sounds Miles loves to babble. Sometimes he is observant, but he also likes to chat and will coo back and forth with you for quite a while. He also has started to giggle!
What we love Watching Miles with his siblings. Their bond is just the sweetest. Also love snuggling him, and rocking him to sleep.
What we don’t love On and off issues with nursing. This waxes and wanes but he still remains exclusively breast fed. At times Mommy has to trick him into nursing while asleep. Hoping this becomes more seamless as he gets a bit bigger.
What we’re looking forward to next month More rolling over and more giggles. We are also hoping after he recovers from this cold that sleep improves again!