Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Miles- 6 months old!

Age 6 months
Weight & Length  16 lbs 7 oz (27.4%), 26.75 inches (53%)
Clothing size  Starting to wear mostly 6-12, though still fits into a few 3-6 month outfits
Hair Still getting a bit lighter by the day.
Teeth  None yet! 
Sleeping  Miles sleeps from 7:30-8:00 pm until around 7:15 am with usually 1 wake up around 5 am. We stopped using his hands up swaddles sleep sac just after 5 months, and he transitioned easily over 2-3 days.  (Starting with just one arm out, then both).  
Eating  Miles nurses every 2.5 hours but also has started solid foods! He likes mango, and mum mums the best but has also had sweet potato, carrots, prunes. 
Movement  Miles loves to sit up.  We have mostly hard floors with only a few rugs so he isn't playing on the floor as much as his siblings did at this age on carpet in Ann Arbor.   He does roll front to back and Jackson saw him roll back to front once!  We can't wait to watch him figure out how to keep moving! 
Milestones  Miles started sitting up at 5.5 months. He still will tip over at times, but is doing a great job learning to sit without support.   He also started a few solid foods 1 week before he turned 6 months. His first food was sweet potato! 
Favorite toys/activities  He continues to love his jumper.  He loves sitting in his play nest which is a blow up toy that he can sit and play in. It protects him when he tips over and is a great and safe place to play!  He loves his teether, winkle and a teether toy that has a soccer ball on it. He also enjoys Sophie the giraffe. 
Dislikes  Being hungry, or tired, otherwise he is a pretty happy baby. Oh and cold water- he doesn't have any interest in swimming in the bay but loves the bath!!
Words & sounds   He really is into babbling and squealing when he is in the mood. 
What we love   Everything! 6 months is such a fun age. Snuggling him and watching him smile back at us is the best!
What we don’t love  Not much to complain about- he's pretty sweet!
What we’re looking forward to next month Trying more foods, sitting even better and mommy and daddy seeing him rolling back to front (so far only Jackson has seen this!).