Sunday, November 10, 2019

Miles- 9 months old!

Age 9 months
Weight and Length   Approximately 19.5 lbs
Clothing size  9-12 months, or 6-12. 
Hair Light brown, still continuing to get blonder.  
Teeth Two!  Both bottom teeth are coming in!  The first one came in on October 7th- the 2nd was only about a week behind the first! 
Sleeping  Miles still sleeps from 7:30-8:00 pm until around 7:15 am with usually a dream feed at 11 and then 1 wake up around 5-6 am. He probably could sleep through the dream feed so we might start to wean that this month.  
Eating  Miles continues to like solid foods. He has been trying everything we eat if it is soft enough.  He recently even tried crab cakes!  He has reduced his milk intake quite a bit while mommy is at work- down to 5-8 oz during my typical work day.  He continues to grow well and eat solids so we are just letting him guide us. He now nurses about every 4 hours during the day. 
Movement  Right around 9 months he started scooting well.  He tries to crawl but can't get his right leg around behind him so often pivots or scoots on his right knee off to the side, or scoots on his bottom.  He is wanting to pull up with help all of the time! 
Milestones  The teeth are a big deal! Also, we have put up a baby gate- with all of the scooting- we feel pretty sure he will be crawling soon! 
Favorite toys/activities  He loves to mimic his siblings and play with them when he can! He also likes listening to singing and music in general, and just went to his first music class this month and loved it! 
Dislikes  Teething! And colds. Miles has a bad cold with a little fever currently! Poor buddy! 
Words and sounds  Still no distinct words/sounds but loves to "talk" to us. 
What we love   Smiles and snuggles.  
What we don’t love Mommy is hoping to get Miles sleeping all the way through the night in the next month or two!

What we’re looking forward to next month Crawling?!?!