Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ryan is having a baby....

Our dear friends Kyle and Ryan are expecting their first baby boy in a few short weeks. Last night we had a little couples shower to celebrate!!

Mama to be and Laura

All the girls...
Ryan, Megan, Meaghan (who is expecting a girl in October), Laura and Emily.

Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera to Meaghan's shower, but we had a great time there too. We are so happy to be adding two little ones to our extended Ann Arbor family :)

Cedarville 2010

Another great year at the Annelin's Cedarville cottage! We missed Mike (who was studing for his Internal Medicine Board Exam), as well as several new parents (Dunn's/Lumbrezers) and our CO friends (Pearsons), but had a great time!

First night at the Islander in Hessel

Boating on Saturday...there were 22 of us, and this was obviously the girls boat :)

We are already looking forward to next year!

A evening of boating with Aaron and Christine...

Aaron, our dear friend, and Mike's college roommate invited us out for a day of boating on Lake St. Claire. It was a beautiful night in the midst of a busy month in July, and we had a great time. I finally was able to meet Aaron's girlfriend Christine, who I adore. Can't wait for more fun times with you guys! We had a great picnic dinner, went swimming on a sandbar and practiced our frisbee and football skills :)

June Vacation Continued....up North

After the wedding, I headed up to TC for a week at the end of June... unfortunately Mike had to work, but joined us on Friday.

Christine and Todd's new place on Green Lake.

Fishing with Avery

We had a great time on a canoe trip on the Platte River. My mom and I were joined by all 4 Elsenheimer's (Christine, Todd, Aiden and Avery) and Jenna and Jayla (Christine and Todd's nieces). It was a beautiful day!

Mike and I went golfing at Bay Meadows-- my first time playing 18 holes!

More fishing on Green Lake

We topped this day off with a great dinner with my aunts and uncles, grandma and the whole Nichols/Elsenheimer/Howe crew...someone has a picture, but I don't have the copy....such a great week!

Emily and Bryan's Cape Cod Wedding, June 19th, 2010

During my June vacation, Mike and I headed out to Cape Cod for Emily Whitfield and Bryan Lin's Wedding Day! It was a wonderful weekend and we had a great time exploring Cape Cod.

First we headed to Westbrook, CT to see Mike's parents...and pick up his Dad's boxster for the weekend! (Lucky us!!)

Rehearsal Dinner....with Cape Cod lobster, yum!

Beautiful Bride!

Before we headed home, we enjoyed some more time with the in-laws :)

Great trip, and all the best to our wonderful friends, Emily and Bryan!