Saturday, August 14, 2010

June Vacation Continued....up North

After the wedding, I headed up to TC for a week at the end of June... unfortunately Mike had to work, but joined us on Friday.

Christine and Todd's new place on Green Lake.

Fishing with Avery

We had a great time on a canoe trip on the Platte River. My mom and I were joined by all 4 Elsenheimer's (Christine, Todd, Aiden and Avery) and Jenna and Jayla (Christine and Todd's nieces). It was a beautiful day!

Mike and I went golfing at Bay Meadows-- my first time playing 18 holes!

More fishing on Green Lake

We topped this day off with a great dinner with my aunts and uncles, grandma and the whole Nichols/Elsenheimer/Howe crew...someone has a picture, but I don't have the copy....such a great week!

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