Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Emily and Bryan visit "Up North"

Emily and Bryan arrived on Friday, August 20th for a fun filled weekend. They made it in just before a huge storm. We had an excellent dinner at Pearl's in Elk Rapids.... unfortunately we all forgot our camera's at dinner!

Before heading down the Torch River, we fished in Skegemog Lake. Mike caught this rock bass, and I released it :)

Fun at the Torch Lake Sand Bar.

Dinner at dockside on Torch Lake.
Big buck hunter....ridiculous....

More fishing on the way home

Saturday night bonfire....

Sunday AM golf at the Grand Traverse Resort, we played Spruce Run and it was great!

Golf was followed by wine tasting at Black Start Farms, lunch at Scott's Harbor Grill....
wine tasting at 2-lads....
and more wine tasting at Chateau Chantal.

Such a fun weekend. We hope Emily and Bryan want to make another trip up north with us sometime soon!

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