Monday, September 24, 2012

Last few pregnant days

Last few preggo pics...

39 weeks

40 weeks, 2 days...overdue but still smiling :) 

 U of M vs Air Force Football at 40 weeks and 3 days 

Go blue! 

At our OB visit this week, we set up an induction date- Sept 12th (Wednesday) at 41 weeks in case Baby H hadn't arrived by then.

We arrived Wed PM at 7:30 and checked in....

41 weeks

Induction day 2- Thursday

Visiting with the grandparents to be....both my parents (Roy and Betsy) and Mike's parents (Jeff and Sandy) arrived Wed PM.

Induction was long (49.5 hours), but we had the most beautiful blessing at the end of a long 2 days....

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