Monday, September 9, 2013

Fifth Anniversary- trip to Mackinac Island

To celebrate our 5th Anniversary, we went back to Mackinac Island, where we were engaged just over 6 years ago.  We stayed at the beautiful Iroquois Hotel, ran 8.2 miles around the island, had lunch and bloody marys at the Pink Pony, and dinner at the Woods.  We also went back to Sunset Rock (aka Chimney Rock) where Mike proposed to me 6 years ago. We hadn't been back before and it was very special to go back there.  We also had dinner at the Woods right after we were engaged so that was special too.  It was such a great celebration of our wonderful life together!

Pink Pony porch

Recreating a post engagement pic

Stonecliff- where we stayed 6 years ago.

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