Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jackson is 16 months old!

Age 16 months
Weight & Length at 15 months he was 23 lbs 2 oz (55%) and 32.2 inches (85%). 
Clothing size  Still in some 12-18 but starting to fit into many 18-24 and even a few 2T shirts!
Hair Continues to stay very blonde- he had his first hair cut on 10/26, and Mommy has given him a little trim since as well.  He will likely need another haircut soon!  
Teeth  16- a whole mouthful! Poor buddy got all of his first molars and eye teeth within a few weeks of each other (between 12-14 months). No real issues with teething since around 14 months.
Sleeping  Jackson sleeps from around 7:30 pm until around 6:45-7 am when we generally have to wake him to leave for school.  On rare days when we are at home together or on weekends he will sleep til 8.  He switched to one nap a day around 13 months of age, and does really well with that. At school he usually naps 1.5-2.5 hours. At home he often goes 2.5-4 hours.  He loves his naps.  He stopped waking up early in the morning around 14 months of age, and now doesn’t even take a bottle when he wakes up as of 15 months.  He does still like a bottle of cold whole milk before bed.  He still takes a paci at nap and bedtime but hands it to us before he even gets out of the crib.
Eating  Jackson is now very good at eating with a fork and spoon, and is starting to like to use big people silverware for fun too.  He loves chobani or any other yogurt, applesauce, turkey hot dogs, cheese, and any type of crackers.   He also loves to eat hummus by the spoonful.  He likes bananas, blueberries and sometimes raspberries.  He still enjoys the fruit/veggie mixed pouches but doesn’t require them daily anymore. He eats yogurt or oatmeal most days for breakfast, but also loves scrambled eggs.  He also is starting to like pancakes and waffles.  He is starting to be a pickier eater over the last month or so.
He stopped nursing at 13 months and transitioned well to cold whole milk.   He was only on formula for a brief period of time.  He loves to drink from a sippy and has taken all water and most of his milk from sippy cups since around 13-14 months (dropped daytime bottles). We dropped the AM bottle at about 15.5 months.  He does still take a bottle at bedtime.   He enjoys brushing his teeth and loves spry kiwi banana toothpaste.  He has transitioned to a toddler toothbrush, but still prefers to suck off the toothpaste, so needs quite a bit of help brushing!
Movement  Jackson is now a great walker and loves to dance.  He took his first steps to Daddy at 13 months and 3 weeks and by 14 months and 1 week he took 12 independent steps in a row between mommy and daddy at Thanksgiving.  Just before 15 months he started walking like a pro.  He enjoys music and loves to bounce around to the beat.  
Milestones Walking well was by far the biggest milestone this month.  
Favorite toys/activities  He loves his new lawn mower and tiny tricycle he got for Christmas.  He also loves the slide and water table he got for Christmas.  He also continues to enjoy pushing around and riding in his Cozy coupe.  He likes to go to his music classes very much (we have been doing Kindermusik for 5 months now).  He also enjoys library story/play time, and recently started going to Gym America to a gymnastics play time for toddlers. He is so cute on the trampoline!  He also loves the Hands on Museum in Ann Arbor!
He loved playing with Gretty, Quinn and Blaise in TC over the holiday.  Some of his best buddies in Ann Arbor are Cameron, Evelyn, Olivia, Quinn, and Charlotte. His best buddy at School is Conner. 
Dislikes  He has started to develop a little stranger anxiety, which isn’t a big deal, but we hope this passes soon.  Generally we have nothing to complain about!
Words & sounds He was already saying Mama and Dada since around 11 months.  At 13 months he started saying Uh-oh and ball.  This was followed by “all done (ah da or ah ga)” and more (mah).  His vocabulary has been exploding over the last month or two and he now says: bear, baby, brown, owl, Avery (A-bry), bye bye, hi, yes, water (wa wa), up, car, dog (gah), yeah, and apple.   Fortunately for us he doesn’t say no yet.  He does shake his head no or yes though.   He loves to roar like a lion! He also has lots of sign language signs now.  He frequently signs light, more, all done, bird, duck, milk, eat, please, cat, and bear.
What we love  We love it all. 
What we don’t love  Being Jackson’s parents is the best job in the world.  
What we’re looking forward to next month  More communication and more dancing!

Cheering on MSU at the Rose Bowl (we won!)

Play date at the mall play space with Evie


Gym America

Kindermusik with Ms Jeanna.

New basketball hoop- thanks Marge and Allan!

Hands on Museum with Cameron!

Library playtime (with songs and stories too!)

More hands on museum with Charlotte

Home Depot- helping mommy and daddy remodel the bathroom

This kid loves CHOBANI!!!

Playtime in TC with Gretty, Blaise, and Quinn

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