Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Kate- 4 months old

Age 4 months
Weight & Length Kate weighs 13 lbs 12 oz (37%) and is 25 inches long (70%).  She has been under the weather this last week and not eating as much so I suspect she will be back up to the 50% range for weight at her 6 month visit.
Clothing size 3-6 months fit her perfectly
Hair  Her light brown hair is a bit lighter now but still not blonde
Teeth Zero, but drooling a lot so a tooth may be on its way
Sleeping  Kate is a very good sleeper. She now goes to bed around 7:30 pm.  Mommy wakes her up for a dream feed at 10:30 and Kate goes right back to sleep.  She sleeps most nights until 6 am (or rarely 7 am).  When she is up to eat at 6, I can usually get her to go back to sleep for a little while but she is almost always up for the day by 8.  She is still being swaddled in her halo sleep sac but often breaks out of the swaddle and still sleeps pretty well.  We are experimenting with one arm out of the swaddle this week and working on weaning her out of it.  She typically naps 1 hour after waking and then ever 1.5-2 hours after that. Most days she takes at least 4 naps.  She mostly naps for 40-50 minutes, but rarely will sleep for 1.5-2 hours.
Eating  Kate continues to nurse every 2-2.5 hours or so and at least 1 dream feed at night.   She previously had been sleeping through from her feeding at 10:30-6 am, but over the last week or so occasionally she has been waking up at 3-4 am to eat too (I am hoping it is because she has been sick).
Movement   Kate continues to roll front to back.  She has started to like playing in the rain forest jumper.  She also likes to sit in the bumbo seat and look around. She also really likes to get carried in mommy’s Solly Baby Wraps! She is also very happy sitting in our laps and observing everything going on around her!
Milestones  Kate has been laughing off and on the last month but is now starting to laugh a lot more. All she wants to do is to sit up and participate in whatever we are doing.  She loves to watch her brother.  She has a great grasp and loves playing with taggy baby paper and grabbing all of her toys.
Favorite toys/activities     She loves her winkel rattle and taggy baby paper.   She likes to sit in the bouncer and spin the wooden toys round and round.
Dislikes   Kate doesn’t like to be overtired or hungry. She doesn’t love to be on her back for long- she prefers to sit up! Other than that she is all smiles! 
Words & sounds   Kate loves to laugh- it is so cute!   She also loves to talk to us and goes on and on and will carry on a conversation with cooing!
What we love   Watching Kate observing everything around her—she is such a joy!
What we don’t love  I would love it if Kate would give up these early AM feedings this last week- hoping it is just her cold that she is recovering from that is making her wake up.
What we’re looking forward to next month   We can’t wait to watch her start to learn how to sit up on her own over the next few months, and maybe roll back to front too!

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