Monday, December 8, 2008

Internal Medicine Holiday Party

As most of you know, I love hosting parties....and Mike loves helping me host them :) We had a great time hosting many of our internal medicine friends at our "pre-party" before heading to the IM Holiday Party at the Michigan Union. Unfortunately, Mike was on call, so he missed much of the pre-party, but made it home in time to join us for the main event!! It was a great night with wonderful friends. We all enjoyed some of Padre and Muzzy's "Christmas Punch" to get us into the holiday spirit in honor of my grandpa! We miss you and love you Grandpa....especially this time of year!

Friends gathered around the kitchen.....

We had an apartment full of friends, it was great!

The girls!

Med Peds Friends

Prom Style Photo

Dancing Queens

So glad Mike made it (after a LONG day in the hospital)! What a good sport!

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