Monday, August 10, 2009


July 31st, we headed up north again for the Harborrun, Mim's wedding, and my 10 year HS reunion. Unfortunately I don't have pics from Mim's wedding, which was beautiful!! busy enjoying I forgot to take pictures. I do have more pics to share in upcoming posts from the rest of the fun weekend.

My mom, Mike and I ran the Harborun 10K on saturday AM. It was the perfect day for a run, mid 60s, overcast, but no rain. We were not prepared (mike and I hadn't run 6 miles in more than 2 years) but we went for it. Funny, we didn't run our best times, but I finished 1st in the women's 25-29 age group....and my mom finished 2nd in the 55-59 age group! Mike missed a turn, and if he hadn't lost that time, he surely would have placed. Either way it was a blast, and a great way to kick off our training for:

The DETROIT 1/2 Marathon, October 18th. We are really excited to be training again and getting back into longer distance running, and better shape!!!

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