Tuesday, July 24, 2012

TC Baby Shower- July 14th

Loved the cute bunting flags: Welcome Baby Howe!!

Everything was pink and green and oh so cute :) 

Isabelle was excited to celebrate baby Howe!

Wonderful spread of yummy food!

Chinese lanterns in Lilly Pulitzer patterns-- everything was coordinated Lilly prints- so cute! 

Some of the girls catching up and eating on the porch...

Lib, Jenna and Mackenzie

Macare, Lib, Jenna, Mackenzie

Isabelle and Sophie

Only 6 more weeks til our little "half-pint" arrives :) 

Quinn is excited to meet baby Howe, and hopefully so is her new baby brother-  Welcome to the world baby Blaise, born on his due date- one week after this shower.  He and baby Howe should be about 6-7 weeks apart- hopefully they will be fast friends, just like their Mama's.  Congrats Macare, Dusty and Quinn....we can't wait to meet Blaise! 

Avery did a great job helping with the little girls as they helped bring me gifts to open.  


Even though we work at U of M-- our baby will be a sparty like his/her parents! 

Christine and Avery

The most wonderful hostesses and friends a girl could ask for--
Anna, Lindsay, me, Katie and Macare.

Thank you ladies, you mean the world to me.  I can't wait for Baby H to meet his/her aunties :) 

What a wonderful group of friends! 

 We were also blessed to have so many babies join in on the party, as well as many of the mom's of my dear friends (most of whom are like 2nd mothers to me from growing up), and some of my mother's dear friends too.  It was such a great group.  

There was no shortage of pregnant girls at this shower :) 

Baby Howe was 32 weeks, 3 days in these pictures! 

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