Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jackson- 5 months old

Age 5 months
Weight & Length  16 lbs 2 oz (at 5.5 months)
Clothing size  3-6 months
Hair Jackson is growing quite the head of blonde hair, mostly on top.  Complete strangers continue to comment on his cute cowlick in the front (sweet little curl).
Teeth  Jackson’s first tooth game in on the front lower left on 1/26/13, and the lower right front tooth followed on 2/12/13.  He continues to chew on everything in sight (us included!) and drool a lot!
Sleeping  Jackson sleeps from 6:30pm until around12:30 and then falls fairly quickly back to sleep until around 6:00-6:30am. We often have to get up a lot between 4am-6am to put his pacifier back in but he will usually stay in bed until at least 6am.
Eating  Jackson continues to eat about every 2.5-3 hours during the day.   He continues taking 4.5 oz bottles at daycare. 
Movement  Jackson loves to spin himself around on his mat, and turn on his side. He prefers this to turning over, but does still roll front to back.  He continues to love to kick and explore things with his hands. He especially loves the jumper, and his wooden toy on his bouncer.
Milestones  Jackson figured out how to put his toes in his mouth this month.  He also learned to suck his thumb, but we still think he prefers his pacifier.  He can sit with limited support (or for a few seconds independently), but is still mastering independent sitting.  
Favorite toys/activities  He loves his green ball with beads inside of it that make noise.  He also loves a colorful plastic toy from Nancy. He continues to really love to hug his green frog lovie blanket from Aunt Christine.  He also likes the noises made by baby paper, and his Sophie the Giraffe.
Dislikes  Waking up at night.  This has been worse this month as he has had 2 viral illnesses. Speaking of that, we also dislike colds- and fevers. His first fever was to 102.8 with a bad cough and congestion and Grandma Nichols came down to watch him for the week when he was sick. Two and a half weeks later he had a second fever to 101.8 and cough.
Words & sounds   He has started to giggle a lot more this month.  He also continues to squeal in a very high pitch (“singing”). 
What we love   Snuggling with Jackson.  He loves to be held and we love holding him.
What we don’t love  Illnesses, we can’t wait for the viral respiratory season to end so we can have our healthy little baby boy back!
What we’re looking forward to next month Sitting up! We are practicing hard to get ready for 6-month pictures! 

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