Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jackson- 3 years old!

Age 3 years
Weight & Length 33.4 lbs (68%), 40.5 inches (97%). Tall and skinny!
Clothing size  3T shirts, and 2-3T pants (Many of the bigger pants fall down on him but he needs them for length) 
Hair Blonde
Teeth  19 (lost right front tooth to a face vs. concrete accident just before he turned 2)
Sleeping  Jackson sleeps from 8:00 pm until around 7-8 am.  He still takes an afternoon nap at school from 1-3 and at home sometimes even as long as 3-4 hours.  Occasionally he isn't tired and will skip his nap but have quiet time in his room. 
Eating  Jackson was really picky from age 2-3 and we let him decide what he wanted to try, but recently we have stopped fixing him separate dinners and he is doing great with trying new things.  He occasionally does school lunch and loves eating the same things as his friends. He also loves packing PB&Js in his owl lunch box! He loves any kind of fruit and is starting to try some veggies. 
Activities  Jackson is fast and loves to run and play. He rides his green machine (Balance trike) as often as possible.  He likes to play in his water table, swim/splash in shallow water and search for petoskey stones, and go for boat rides- especially on the Amara. He loves the splash pad! He also loves to go to the park and take wagon or stroller rides. 
Favorite toys  Jackson got a sky-ro-copter and glider for this 3rd birthday. He also got a rocket ship and kite. He loves anything that moves- cars, trucks, trains, busses, garbage trucks, airplanes! 
School  Jackson started at "The Children's House Montessori" in Traverse City. He is in the Primary Program (Preschool- in a multiage classroom with other kids aged 3-6). He likes it a lot so far, and goes to school for 3 full days when mommy works (Tues, Wed, Thursday). Kate goes to school with Jackson too, and their classrooms are right nextdoor to each other. 

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