Monday, October 5, 2015

Kate- 10 months old!

Age 10 months
Weight & Length Kate weighs 18+ lbs 
Clothing size 6-12 month clothes.
Hair  Getting a little blonder by the day
Teeth Three (well technically 2 but the 3rd one has broken through her gums and then 4th seems to be right behind it).
Sleeping  Kate goes to be most nights around 8 pm and sleeps until about 7 or 8 am.  Most nights she wakes around 3:30 to nurse. Kate takes 2 naps per day- one around 9 or 10 am and another around 1 or 2 pm. 
Eating  Kate nurses overnight and early in the morning (3:30, 6:30), but since her teeth came in she isn’t great at  nursing without biting during the day.  She takes bottles at around 9am, 1 pm, 4 pm, and 7 pm.   Mommy has started to wean how often she pumps at work thanks to a large stash of frozen breast milk (200 bags). Hoping to make it to 12 months with exclusive breast milk without needing formula, but we will see.  Kate really enjoys feeding herself anything.  She likes purees, but I think she prefers to feed herself. She recently tried blueberries and strawberries and liked them.  She is still experimenting with some textures. She loves yogurt. She isn’t a big fan of baby cereal/oatmeal. 
Movement   She started cruising very well around 9.5 months and also started walking with the baby walker a few days before she turned 10 months.   
Milestones  Cruising! She is getting closer to walking every day- I wouldn’t be surprised if she walks before 12 months.  She also loves to wave hello and goodbye! 
Favorite toys/activities     Kate really likes any toys- She doesn’t discriminate between Jackson’s trucks and her own stuffed animals. She is starting to show a lot of interest in reading. She is happy to chew on any toy you hand her.  
Dislikes   Night waking! I don’t want to make her cry it out if we don’t have to, and she does really well at bedtime, so hoping that she just realizes she doesn’t need to eat overnight soon! 
Words & sounds   Kate loves to chat with many sounds.  She is starting to pay attention when I try to teach her sign language (more, all done). 
What we love   Kate and Jackson interacting- sometimes they just sit together and both start screaming and laughing- it is hillarious! 
What we don’t love  I sound like a broken record- Night waking. Hoping this ends soon, either on her terms or with some sleep training.

What we’re looking forward to next month   Walking and more talking!!!


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